The Drowning by Lindsay Rockwell The Child That Lies Between Us in this dark in this bed is quiet and soft. I love her hands. The fire of her undoes us. Your eyes are wells. Do you love your blood— how it warms you. Her hands are enough. I drift. Drift because...
The Only Thing Standing Between Fantasia and Nothingness by Zebulon Huset It could’ve been me.I would have been braveand read a book valiantly. I could have saved the realmor at least hidden from bullies in a library,gotten dumped into a dumpster. I could have saved...
Ekphrasis: “Nymphs Finding The Head Of Orpheus,” John William Waterhouse, 1901 by John Blair You watch the moon roll one-eyed outof its cave to search for thieves & drunksand hear voices a half-mile long fill the woodswith moonglades and longing with Maenadsand...
Quandaries by Kevin McLellan i. The Clearing at the edge of a forest seen from above, sayfrom an airplane, looks like the back of this man’s neck, the finehairline, a young man who sits with his back to me as I destroythe heart-shape on top of the cortado or rather as...
Hardware by Danielle Shorr Men never asked how old I was.Instead, they wanted to know howyoung I was, and whether it was enough. Of course, I didn’t know that then,and why would I? The product wasattention and it was free. The origins and their ethics did not concern...