Bad Vegan by Dale Trumbore I feed my cats chicken by the canful.We kill the ants by poisoning the queen,drive past each violently droughted yardwhile ours gleams like sea glass. We rescued the first hornworm,then—more, more—filled a bucketwith soapy water. Drowned...
Day Three (the first time) by Ann Pedone Since the 18th Century, change has been slowThen sometimes: a man will have the urge toreplace all of the windows in his house Once a week we come here and try to figureout why people still find antiquity so erotic Last night...
Juniper by Dana Jaye Cadman Here the night spreads acrossthe breast of day and yawnsone aching grey breath onto the river, the ceiling swings low overwhile the Parlor City hugs me drunkbetween muse and rot. A juniper. What forgives of us?What of us can enter or be...
Seven Longs by Denise Bergman 1Until the rubberband meets its limit While the bent bow torments the arrow Until the bungee jumperrebounds up the sheer cliff Until the phone Until the shoe Wait 2Long isn’t a longer shortisn’t elongation but a mix:ahead, behind,...
The Grave Dowser by S. Frederic Liss When the cowbell mounted on the door rang and a stranger entered, the clatter of the checkers against the board painted on the cover of the pickle barrel in the back room of Holmyard’s General Store ceased. Two polished brass rods,...