Sorry To Bug You, I Got Something To Say

by Heidi Seaborn

My talk
trails like ants
down my lower lip.

My words flutter & become dusty
moths nestling
in men’s wool suit pockets,
chewing holes.

Today a man talked &
talked at me.
My voice
landed on his shoulder—
a ladybug. He talked on.
The ladybug cracked
her red-speckled armor.

Flies flick the meat market’s screen door,
mosquitos sting
at night
and around the oak,
hornets swarm.

Heidi Seaborn

Heidi Seaborn is the author of 2020 PANK Book Award winner An Insomniac’s Slumber Party with Marilyn Monroe (2021), Give a Girl Chaos (2019) and Comstock Chapbook 2020 winner Bite Marks, with recent work in American Poetry Journal, Beloit, Copper NickelCortland ReviewMissouri Review and The Slowdown. Heidi is the Executive Editor of The Adroit Journal.