jeffrey like a giant by Kaija Matīss Mom and Dad throw parties. Big ones. One time they get a pig. String it up in the barn and leave it there till the next day, when they get up at 3am to put a stick all the way through it and hang it over a fire. We love it. Run...
Hers by Beate Sigriddaughter Blues and greens glint in the windows of The Mermaid Parlor. Tiny sequins, I think. I always like to see behind the magic of things. The four of us sit on a lacquered bench outside, Gordon in deep conversation about Snow White with...
Seek Shelter Immediately by Jeremy Griffin On the Weather Channel app, the storms appeared as an orange and red comet streaking across the Carolinas. They followed in the wake of Hurricane Florence, which had stalled over the East Coast days earlier before being...
The Kids Are Cute AF Though by Dan Tremaglio A perfect cat dad and top-rated uncle, you’re well on your way to making a subpar father. It’s three in the morning and your week-old daughter sounds like an eagle hunting a rodent the size of your brain in an electric...
The Opposite of Sin by Jad Josey She’d walked past him moments before backing over the man. She was refreshing her timeline, glancing right and left on the way to her car. The man had leered at her, his gaze scraping the length of her body. The bridge of his nose was...
The Mermaids’ Smoke Rings by Becca Rose Hall For Aimee Bender Loneliness, and the smell of tobacco cutting through sea brine, drew the sailors straight towards the mermaids’ smoke rings. Be careful, cried the ship’s boy, spying the rocks from the crow’s...