Message From the Moths by Matt Briggs The moth stuck in the orbital spider’s web had been something before and would soon be something else. I had just taken a new job. Already the patterns of my previous work faded. I didn’t remember the name of the receptionist who...
For the Jumbotron by Will Musgrove I don’t even like baseball. I don’t care about rooting for the home team, for any team. You wouldn’t think that by looking at me. I come to each Cubs’ game dressed in an expensive jersey, a foam finger attached to my right hand...
2 Flash Fictions by S.S. Mandani Merman Tossing blueberries on his coffee table, Kamran saw signs everywhere. They made an arrow pointing to his bedroom. He took this to mean he should go to sleep early. The next day was the most productive of his life. From...
All The World Isn’t Falling by R.S. Powers Siv’s a motherfucking rockstar. Her band’s very first show of the Mainland tour, at least ten cities with a chance to end in Hong Kong, is happening as dusk dies just outside Shanghai’s art district in a converted...
3 Flash Fictions by Lea Page The Bees Come at Night I sit up in bed when we see headlights coming down the road—a truck of some kind. We don’t get many visitors this way. Cows summer here, but mid-May is early. If it is cows, we’ll need to get up and fix the...
A Holy Union by Simi Monheit From Contest Judge Peter Mountford: “Simi Monheit’s A Holy Union was a fantastic piece of slow-burn erotica – placing the reader fully within the character’s experience that we lose connection with everything outside the...