As Simple as a Wish

As Simple As A Wish by Rebecca Pyle There was no problem at all, he said. Because he had studied at the institute with a person of the highest and most exacting reputation in his field, someone who had suffered great deprivations and traveled great distances to extend...


Spawn by Heather Durham Few phenomena are as mesmerizing as a spawning salmon holding steady in a stream. Fire maybe—the liquid undulations of flames in air. But unlike combustion, that chemical conversation between heat and fuel, salmon’s communion with water is...

The Grave Dowser

The Grave Dowser by S. Frederic Liss When the cowbell mounted on the door rang and a stranger entered, the clatter of the checkers against the board painted on the cover of the pickle barrel in the back room of Holmyard’s General Store ceased. Two polished brass rods,...

The Novice

The Novice by Kathleen J. Woods So that she could not delete her post naming the bad, dead priest, Sister Dolores tucked her phone beneath her pillow then snuck the convent car through the midnight suburbs, curving cul-de-sac to roundabout until she found herself on...

The King in Black

The King in Black by Emily Lautch My bike creaks to a halt under the ruddy pink window that belongs to Danica, an equally ruddy-faced and absolutely beautiful Czech woman who is making funny animal noises from inside the house to welcome me. I’ve stopped under her...

The Bicycle Club

The Bicycle Club by Martin Golan When my parents retired to Florida back in the ‘70s, my father fulfilled a lifelong dream: he learned to ride a bicycle. It thrilled him, being of a generation for whom bicycles were a luxury, the province of uptown rich kids. With a...