Little Knives

Little Knives by Dara-Lyn Shrager That bruised fist clenchesagain in my niece’s chest.A surgeon fishes a guide wirethrough her thigh, lightinga path to her stuttering heart. All the little knives will come,will cut her before she’s done. One year ago, doctors slappeda...

The Drowning

The Drowning by Lindsay Rockwell The Child That Lies Between Us   in this dark in this bed is quiet and soft. I love her hands. The fire of her undoes us. Your eyes are wells. Do you love your blood— how it warms you. Her hands are enough. I drift. Drift because...

The Only Thing Standing Between Fantasia and Nothingness

The Only Thing Standing Between Fantasia and Nothingness by Zebulon Huset It could’ve been me.I would have been braveand read a book valiantly. I could have saved the realmor at least hidden from bullies in a library,gotten dumped into a dumpster. I could have saved...


Quandaries by Kevin McLellan i. The Clearing at the edge of a forest seen from above, sayfrom an airplane, looks like the back of this man’s neck, the finehairline, a young man who sits with his back to me as I destroythe heart-shape on top of the cortado or rather as...


Hardware by Danielle Shorr Men never asked how old I was.Instead, they wanted to know howyoung I was, and whether it was enough. Of course, I didn’t know that then,and why would I? The product wasattention and it was free. The origins and their ethics did not concern...