Domestic Panic

Domestic Panic by Michael Schmeltzer Bored, bipedal & drug addledis how I spend my days off-kilter. Kilometer by kilometerI march politely away from being the spouse who could sewanother meal into memory. Be honest, no one should celebratethe body’s ordinary...

Love Construct in the Covidicene

Love Construct in the Covidicene by Robbie Gamble It’s a protective scaffolding, really.We have known these bones of our structure to be ever so simpatico to begin with.This morning, we gird ourselves for day number eighty of our New York Timescrossword streak, and...

Sorry To Bug You, I Got Something To Say

Sorry To Bug You, I Got Something To Say by Heidi Seaborn My talktrails like antsdown my lower lip. My words flutter & become dustymoths nestlingin men’s wool suit pockets,chewing holes. Today a man talked &talked at me.My voicelanded on his shoulder—a...

The Jaguar Tattoo

The Jaguar Tattoo by Jose Hernandez Diaz A man in a Rage Against the Machine shirt chased a jaguar into the jungle. It wasn’t that the jaguar was scared of the man, it was just tired and wanted to rest. The man wanted to get closer to his roots. He knew the jaguar was...

Man or Mouse

Man or Mouse by Sarah Bokich My father remembersrabid dog, shotgun,cherry piesat the rez storewith finger holespoked into cellophane,diaphanous salmonseizing as they fly upriver. Summer is gone.What good is my father,or any of it,his troop leaderscreamingare you man...