And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx:

And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx: by Weston Morrow And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx: I was there when this world was born. I was there—at the horizon—where they separated sky from            sea, the line that is no line,            except that you expect it to be. I...


Indiana by Lauren Connell Johnson I only gave you road headbecause your ex-wife got you first on Interstate 65. The gray sky a belly over frozen marshes,you pointing out barn quilts as we passed them, while I grew jealous of barn quiltsand the land itself. You were...

A Doctor’s Glossary of Terms for the Female Body

A Doctor’s Glossary of Terms for the Female Body by Emma Bolden A woman’s womb is a closed fist. An upside-down pear. The apple that, serpent-struck, she plucked from God’s forbidden tree. And God has never forgotten. If her womb contains a fetus, the clenched...

Some Might Say Grace

Some Might Say Grace by Ruth Baumann Picture a Florida Tuesday, summer warming up the airlike a weapon. The woman, lost in her own mind. Where else? She’s been cautioned. She hears warnings, speaks themon good days, speaks them fully on her best days. She knows the...

My Cheese Soufflé Has Collapsed!

My Cheese Soufflé Has Collapsed! by Ruth Bavetta With apologies to Frank O’Hara I was buzzing about the kitchenwhen suddenly I realizedit was way past time for himto come home he’ll have somestory concocted as to whyhe’s an hour later than he promisedthe car is...