Bad Trick List

Bad Trick List by Alayna Becker A witch I know told me the earth under Spokane is restless. She says the hot spot, the source that feeds the Old Faithful geyser 500 miles away, once coursed under the land that is now the city. The acid fumaroles and mud pots at...


ABC by Beth Bosworth We were walking down Ludlow Street when you said you weren’t sure. What do you mean? I asked, turning. I don’t care about you as much as I did, you mused. What’s wrong with me now? I asked. You snap your gum, you said, and you leave wads...


Shimmer by Kelly Lynn Thomas You know—or used to know—three things. In your youth, when you embraced an obnoxious and overt homosexuality to compensate for your teenage awkwardness and unknowing, you rejected the idea of your body as something to be ashamed of,...

Ouija Board

Ouija Board by Brendan Stephens My sister was terrified of ouija boards, but she wanted to talk to our little brother more. I let her pick which board to channel through. I had a bunch. She was still Christian, so she didn’t choose my favorite: the one with the...