Ode to Monday Morning Runs in Central Park by Alejandro Pérez (after Patrick Rosal) this is an ode to the homeless guy/who says God bless you/ three times/every time I run by/ this is an ode tothe people who run by me/ to thepeople who are faster/ an ode toaccepting...
How Rain Appears by Nicholas Reiner losing a sonin the prime of his life is like losing a mindnot in a dark time not a period of great duress not graduallyjust all at once the way sky goes from not rain to rainto rain to rain to rain to rainthe way the...
Risk/Reward by Ruth Williams Racing throughthe white bars of snowyour head snapstrying to see. Someone on the coursesings happy birthdayas you pass. A gesture that freesicy particlesin the air as if a mouth had warmedthe spot immediatelyin front of it. A poof...
Blur by James Croal Jackson for Mary Oliver We walked alongthe gray edges ofthe river. And myglasses had shattered.This removedthe shape of things,the perfect barren limbsnow perfect trees,what I thought were boatsin the distance you told mewere wild geese...
To Answer in the Affirmative re: Distinguishing Marks by Kelly R. Samuels Nothing much of anything. Freckles. A mole along my collarbonethat was mistaken at least once for a tick. They stood on the trailand slapped at it, as if that would save me, until I realizedthe...
The Mysteries of Patio Vistahermosa by Pablo Piñero Stillmann I It’s been my cross to bear from a very early age (and I understand it’s not an uncommon cross) that worrisome thoughts pop into my head as soon as I get in bed at night. As early as seven years old I was...