Boogie Town

by Will Stanier

gullible people walking everywhere.
mulch piled in the street, on the sidewalk.

me, I was staring at the bicycle;
silver and dangerous, a lure of fate,
all Devil-may-care in my bedclothes.

white veil of grime the soap bar trails in the tub.

because when you love someone, it’s an in-breath.
unbelievable, stale and crumbling molars.

gullible people with perfect pants.
“hey, look over there!” you might yell.
and they’d look every time, even government holidays.

Will Stanier

Will Stanier is a poet and letterpress printer from Athens, Georgia. He currently lives in Tucson, where he graduated from the University of Arizona’s MFA in Creative Writing. He is the author of a chapbook, Everything Happens Next (Blue Arrangements, 2021). His poems have appeared in Yes Poetry, Cleaver Magazine, Interim, The Volta, and Lazy Susan.