My Cheese Soufflé Has Collapsed!

My Cheese Soufflé Has Collapsed! by Ruth Bavetta With apologies to Frank O’Hara I was buzzing about the kitchenwhen suddenly I realizedit was way past time for himto come home he’ll have somestory concocted as to whyhe’s an hour later than he promisedthe car is...

Ode to Monday Morning Runs in Central Park

Ode to Monday Morning Runs in Central Park by Alejandro Pérez (after Patrick Rosal) this is an ode to the homeless guy/who says God bless you/ three times/every time I run by/ this is an ode tothe people who run by me/ to thepeople who are faster/ an ode toaccepting...

How Rain Appears

How Rain Appears by Nicholas Reiner losing a sonin the prime of his life is like losing a mindnot in a dark time not a period of great duress not graduallyjust all at once the way sky goes from not rain to rainto rain to rain to rain               to rainthe way the...


Risk/Reward by Ruth Williams Racing throughthe white bars of snowyour head snapstrying to see. Someone on the coursesings happy birthdayas you pass. A gesture that freesicy particlesin the air as if a mouth had warmedthe spot immediatelyin front of it. A poof...


Blur by James Croal Jackson for Mary Oliver   We walked alongthe gray edges ofthe river. And myglasses had shattered.This removedthe shape of things,the perfect barren limbsnow perfect trees,what I thought were boatsin the distance you told mewere wild geese...