Love Poem

Love Poem by Spencer Williams When Mom cut her hair, the first joke: managers, then lesbians.We laughed. When laughter died, she still lookedgood. I am writing this past tense, but Mom still isthat haircut. It feels she might be the first of us to live forever.All the...

And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx:

And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx: by Weston Morrow And Oedipus Answered the Sphinx: I was there when this world was born. I was there—at the horizon—where they separated sky from            sea, the line that is no line,            except that you expect it to be. I...


Indiana by Lauren Connell Johnson I only gave you road headbecause your ex-wife got you first on Interstate 65. The gray sky a belly over frozen marshes,you pointing out barn quilts as we passed them, while I grew jealous of barn quiltsand the land itself. You were...

A Doctor’s Glossary of Terms for the Female Body

A Doctor’s Glossary of Terms for the Female Body by Emma Bolden A woman’s womb is a closed fist. An upside-down pear. The apple that, serpent-struck, she plucked from God’s forbidden tree. And God has never forgotten. If her womb contains a fetus, the clenched...

Some Might Say Grace

Some Might Say Grace by Ruth Baumann Picture a Florida Tuesday, summer warming up the airlike a weapon. The woman, lost in her own mind. Where else? She’s been cautioned. She hears warnings, speaks themon good days, speaks them fully on her best days. She knows the...