The Field Party #61 by Darren C. Demaree to an empty sky ohio looks like a one-sided war the people the people crashing down into the land with such force that they cannot hold on to any of the easier years i don’t want to talk about it it’s all i’m asked about it’s...
Fear of Abundance by CL Young every day I try to find a new reasonfor you to un-die today Mathias is sleeping in the other roomwith half a cantaloupe from the storewaiting on the kitchen counter your sister asks if time has been dilatingin larger and larger dilations...
Brennan, by Matthew Kilbane It’s called contouringyou tell me, what you’re doing to your cheekbones in our parent’s bathroom mirror, in wreathesof shower steam the slattedsunlight’s soaking up with jewels, a whole cosmos coming magically to the morning’s orderunder...
To speak of by Colette Cosner After Stephen Dunn’s “Routine Things Around the House” Out on the sandbarshe announces her divorce.I thought: now I’ll have a maritime poem. That was unforgivableyet I have since forgiven myselfas women blessed with actual friends...
Ancestor Mirror by Shelby Handler It’s good manners to pretend you understand bloodand the body: I spend evenings watching my lover fish out six knives from the soapy sink, before asking me againto never leave them in there while the faucet is on, before I say nothing...