The Jaguar Tattoo by Jose Hernandez Diaz A man in a Rage Against the Machine shirt chased a jaguar into the jungle. It wasn’t that the jaguar was scared of the man, it was just tired and wanted to rest. The man wanted to get closer to his roots. He knew the jaguar was...
Man or Mouse by Sarah Bokich My father remembersrabid dog, shotgun,cherry piesat the rez storewith finger holespoked into cellophane,diaphanous salmonseizing as they fly upriver. Summer is gone.What good is my father,or any of it,his troop leaderscreamingare you man...
The Cul de Sacs by Sarah McEachern The Proctors lived at the center of the east cul-de-sac and Abby lived almost a half mile away, at the center of the west cul-de-sac. Everest Street bisected the two. When Abby got off from babysitting on Thursday nights, she walked...
The Attentions of Dangerous Men by Ace Boggess They walk her in handcuffs from the POD—two squat black correctional officers from the security team, each holding one of her twig-like arms, and the cocky white sergeant following close behind, his face sun-burned,...
Trains by Caleb Tankersley My boyfriend and I found an impossibly cheap apartment with large windows. Cathedral windows, the landlord called them. We both cringed at that, but the light flooding the living room in the morning did have the look of the sacred. The...