Before the Hard Freeze

Before the Hard Freeze by Kevin McLellan I couldn’t do anythingabout it, swallowed a shallow lake, arctic one, wore a first barrette.Natural way to identify as female, right? My hair longenough. Also a first. And then what could be a last timewhen I move to Vermont....

Social Media

Social Media by Emma Bolden If your life is extraordinary enough, the Internet becomes a plotof land in which you plant the clues that make your lies grow into truths. A therapist on Instagram says, think of the thing you would like to do most on most days. Then do...

Eric Cortez

Eric Cortez by Paul Hlava Ceballos In a lineage of effects,proud scrapper who threw fists to foolsthat dissed us little ones, you failedonly what teachers made you do, and thrived in gripped communion ofbackyard weight bench where a head nodwas more than history gave...

On Past Suicidal Ideations

On Past Suicidal Ideations by Annie Przypyszny At the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, Maryland,there’s a model of a Carcharocles megalodon skeleton.It’s thirty-seven feet long, suspended from the ceiling by strong, thin wires, the wall behind it imitatingthe blue...

Three Ghazals: an Elegy

Three Ghazals: an Elegy by Leah C Scott Leah C Scott Leah C Scott is a writer and editor from the Queen City of the Plains. She spent several years as senior poetry editor of F(r)iction, and has taught writing in the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility. Leah...