Words are Made for Ministration

Words are Made for Ministration by Peter Grandbois He hates walking his dog after rain. It’s not the puddles or toweling off his dog after. Or even that his dog licks the dew off each blade of grass instead of peeing so he’s late for work. It’s the earthworms. They’re...

Shark’s Tooth

Shark’s Tooth by Nicole Beckley He comes to pick me up for our date in a blue pickup with rusted out wheel wells and a broken side mirror. The inside is clean and tidy; even if I have to squeeze in next to him on the bench seat cause the passenger side’s...


Torn by Ryan Price The rain was back, coming soft then hard. Rix stood outside letting the rising water soak his shoes. He wondered if the carp gators from the flooded river would come to him, if the worms swimming through the river would crawl up his clothes and bury...

The Aliens Deliver Us From Evil

The Aliens Deliver Us From Evil by Michael Czyzniejewski Two things about these new aliens were clear from the start: They came in peace and they came naked. Not really naked naked, because they were dressed, but we could see everything. All of their clothes were...

The Feejee Mermaid Falls to Earth

The Feejee Mermaid Falls to Earth by Heather Diamond Look at this strange creature, she says. My elderly mother is leaning over one of the potted rosebushes she keeps on her deck to protect them from the deer. I think it’s some kind of frog. She points at a pinkish...