Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Earth

Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Earth by Dana Jaye Cadman A is for alone. Leave me alone, the girl demands. Don’t let me be alone, she demands louder. The mother thinks how much easier the first is. But these are not either/or propositions, not stand-alone options....

The Cult of Yakushima Island

The Cult of Yakushima Isla by Matthew Baker In the shimmering subtropical waters far south of the mainland archipelago lies the island of Yakushima, a mountainous granite landmass forested with ancient cedars that have stood for thousands of years, ringed by a...

Past the Farallones

Past the Farallones by Michael Thériault How, Sean? thought Danilo; how would Sean care? The others, too, appeared surprised. Sean had always seemed the hardest of them, even though each of them who gathered on weekday mornings for coffee–except Danilo–had decades of...

Like Meals, Everything Ends

Like Meals, Everything Ends by Nina Smilow I met G when I was twenty and had never tried most of the food the city that I grew up in offered. I didn’t know the difference between caponata and carbonara, but I knew both went on pasta, which I never ate. I didn’t know...

Eating Frogs

Eating Frogs by Derek Otsuji We brought them home live in a gunny sackthat bulged and moved as the frogs kicked inside.When dad went in the house to get the cleaverand cutting board, he gave me the sack to hold.When he came back, I opened the sack’s mouth.He reached...