
Marauder by Sara Burge Luck I watch my son playing all the way backin the yard against chain link alley fencetalking to a strangerand I see how small he isand I wonder what adult would talk to someone so smalland why doesn’t my son spring away as fast as he canso I...

Greenish Yellowish Houses

Greenish Yellowish Houses by Jeanne Morel —after Italo Calvino   If, stars subdue suburbs [streets if someone scaffolds   interrupt darkness if darkness if, dissatisfied   show blueprints show trestles   show scaffolds downtown [flower beds   arrive [whisper...


Wild by Anna B. Sutton back home a bearcrossed the parking lot of a local bowling alley and the town went wild      we aimed cameras at our backyardslike birds of prey      we craned our necks while driving      scanned the woods along the interstatefor a telltale...

Notes About the Butterflies, the Moth, and the Sadness

Notes About the Butterflies, the Moth, and the Sadness by Triin Paja I place a small tortoiseshell in a matchbox, beside the three others. It is the saddest matchbox I know. At night, I touch my ear against it. A silence. I believed there was poetry in their nearness....